I was reading an article which stated how few temples in the North and West of India have not agreed on the installation of a Sai Baba Statue in the temple complex. The reason given is that Sai is a human being and not a God. At the same time, these temples have requested the Sai devotees to take the idol and set up a separate temple. The devotees of the temples in which this permission has not been given have been told that they should not desecrate the Sai idols. They quote scripture to say that this is that these scriptures say. But the act of not desecrating the idol clearly shows tolerance to other faiths or beliefs.
When you pray for patience, God does not grant the wish. S/He puts you in a situation where your patience is tested and then you learn the concept of patience. In the situation it could be a human being who is actually testing your patience. Such people are actually representing God. Similarly, Sai Baba came to millions of people as Hope. Just like Krishna, Christ or Mohammed did. They were all human beings but God sent a message of Hope through them to all those who had lost hope. So, they do represent God in some form. They gave and still give hope to millions of people all over the world. Millions believe them to be God is some form or the other. It is born out of faith and belief.
Similarly, the devotees in these temples in the North and West of India have a belief that the ancient Gods that we call Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, etc. are the only Gods and all others are humans. That is their faith and belief.
Instead of criticizing either, it would be good to tell them not to quote scriptures as an excuse for this act but to say that this is what they believe in. There is no harm in any faith or belief so long as you do not step in to anyone else's faith or belief or hurt their sentiments or cause any harm bodily or otherwise to anyone. No scripture or book of knowledge typically talks ill of other faiths or beliefs. It is our interpretation that goes wrong at times. So, instead of quoting such scriptures out of turn, it would be best to tolerate all beliefs and just get on with life.